Friday, October 27, 2006

you've taken the first steps on the path to blessed enlightenment

Greetings, truth-seekers. It's me, The Haiku Master, here to welcome you to Friday Haiku -- the Official Internet Repository of my Timeless Wisdom!

What's Friday Haiku, you ask? It's a more-or-less weekly email list which, appropriately enough, contains haiku and is usually mailed out on Fridays by my worldwide crimefighting organization, Haiku International. Why do we do it? To disrupt greedy capitalistic workplaces while converting new disciples to the ancient art of haiku... and I'm pleased to report the plan is working to perfection.

But enough of that -- you people came here for haiku, not prose, no matter how silky-smooth it reads. Use the links on the right to bask in my glorious wisdom: Volume I contains my original hundred-'ku effort, from June 6, 2003-June 10, 2005, and the mind-boggling truths continue in Volume II, launched on January 6, 2006, by popular demand. And if you want to get all-new, pipin'-hot Friday Haiku delivered to your workplace inbox on a somewhat regular basis, just drop me a line at

In the meantime, enjoy all the free haiku.


vol. ii #28

Happy Halloween
Don’t stay out too late or the
Zombies will eat you

Friday, October 13, 2006

vol. ii #27

Not on my "likes" list:
Getting caught in the rain and
Pina coladas